

4 months, Male, Medium

Meet Moose, the most perfectly imperfect kitten you'll ever meet! This brave little guy has shown incredible resilience and a heart full of love. Rescued after being found struggling to walk in a backyard, Moose has faced some tough challenges, including weakness in his back legs and incontinence due to nerve damage. Despite it all, he remains the sweetest, most affectionate companion, never stopping his adorable purring, especially when being held.

Moose loves nothing more than to be surrounded by his littermates and even gets along well with dogs! His favorite pastime is racing around his room, chasing after mouse toys with his siblings, proving that a little extra care doesn’t hold him back from living his best life.

As a special needs kitten, Moose requires daily bladder expression, but his loving spirit and playful energy make every moment spent with him truly rewarding. He’s looking for a forever home with a family that understands special needs care and is ready to provide him the love and support he deserves. Moose’s journey isn’t just about survival; it’s about thriving, and he has so much joy to give.

If you’re ready to open your heart and home to this little warrior, please consider adopting Moose! To learn more about Moose and his journey, please visit

Fun Fact: Moose loves to sneak into work with his foster mom, where he charms everyone with his playful spirit and sweet personality!

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